Building a creative career

Learning different mediums of art enables youngsters to effectively become professionals in the 2D or 3D animation and gaming industry. All of these entertain and amuse us immensely and enlighten the human mind. They are thoughtfully created by artists that help us explore humanity in different ways. Art is the pillar of technology and entertainment which requires a substantial amount of drawing, design, presentations, and graphically rich elements.

Out of these sculpting is an effective medium to stimulate the hand-eye coordination and motor skills of a child. Learning how to sculpt is useful in the Claymation industry that uses stop motion to animate three-dimensional clay models. 3D sculpting has also become very popular where one can learn how to sculpt with digital tools. Children having access to all these sculpting mediums are seen to have growth in their academic as well as career goals.
Disney, Pixar, Marvel are well known for creating animation movies, character games, etc. that promote linguistic, cognitive, and physical development of a child. Research is evident in the fact that our cerebral cortex grows thicker when we learn to use it. Animation has shown positive results in significant memory function in a child and also other life necessary skills like inclusion and problem-solving. It also helps to expand their world of imagination and enhances spatial relationships. The inclusion of a story through pictures in motion further initiates communication and enables children to explore their work, critically analyze what they learn and experience. Moving images can teach a lot of moral values which help in the personality development of a child.

When a child plays a video game or watches animated movies he or she uses a range of senses. So the visual sense of the child gets trained by connecting the visual and auditory experiences. Gaming also has critical implications on a child’s education and career development as it establishes spatial skills necessary for achievement in science, technology, mathematics, and engineering. Failures in games build emotional resilience in children and they grow patience in other activities of life. Coding classes, learning how to animate, helps students to learn how to problem-solve, fosters self-confidence, ability to think differently and all of these ensures positive outcomes in academic performances.
The animation industry requires several skillful artists who can create 2D character sketches, game designs as well as animators to work digitally with the manual data. Knowing sculpting, drawing, animating as well as programming can help kids establish a successful career in the animation or gaming industries.